Monday, October 7, 2013

offices in this complex closed

The following offices have been closed because they have been deemed Redudent  due to the government Shutdown 

01. The AHC ( Atlantic Hurricane Center)
02. The ECSPC (East Coast Storms Prediction Center)
03. The EPHC  (East Pacfic Hurricane Center ) 
04. The AOC ( Air Operations Command) Office Rockville Airport and the planes Grounded.  

the NWSFO Olney has been drasticly cut back but is still operating  those 3  have been deemed redundent and all their workers put on Ferlough. NWS Olney Forecast office may close if this goes on it may be deemed redudent and closed and the staff transfered to NWSFO Sterling VA 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Nantional Weather Service message.

Forecasters of National Weather Service Forecast Office Olney   and other departments there in.

 The National Weather Service is still operateing durring the government shutdown  the NWS is one of the few agencies that have to stay open since We are mission critical and we protect lives and poperties  through out the country however Non esental personell are asked not to come in so no one is maning the front desk or the phones  and our interns have been suspended till the shutdown ends no new interns will be accepted till this ends..

The other offices are open too to essental employees  to report to work  please report to work  durring this i know its hard on all of you its hard on me too but i am going to work durring all this and lets do our jobs and make peoples lives better and keep them safe  our colligues in law enforcement and  Avation  are also reporting  to work so lets not let the ball drop on our end.  how ever the NOAA web site will be down durring the shutdown the NWS websites will be up  since again we are mission ciritical.


Meteorologist in charge
Dr James F. Salvatore